Monday, May 7, 2012

my bedroom

lot's of shelf space!

Kaitlyn & I got to the school a little early one morning, so we had to wait for someone to come unlock it!

We walked to the grocery store (it's like wal-mart), and got delicious baked goods! We asked this old Mexican man to take our picture, and his finger cut off Sarah's face!

On the church grounds on Sunday- it was all in Spanish, but I loved it anways!

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Outside the big Catholic Cathedral- so pretty! It reminded me of lot's of the churches I visited in Jerusalem

At the park! (we like to call it "make out park", because literally, P.D.A. in ALL forms in ALL ages is very widely accepted in public!


And today is our first day of teaching, I am getting sooo nervous, so I'd better go figure out my lessons for the week! Adios!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mexcian Madness!

The Heslington school grounds

Outside the school. We teach in the small 5 classrooms on the bottom floor

Inside the biggest classroom, organizing all of our supplies!

Me & Carrie w/ our Weather sign that we have to use in opening. We are the only ones teaching the younger kids

The streets are so pretty, so many trees!

Just eating a Magnum bar in a park! (P.D.A is VERY accepted here, in ALL forms!)

Yummy pastel (cake)!

I just love all of the trees! They are so cute!

So it's been a very, very interesting adventure, very different than I thought in all aspects, but definitley a good learning experience, and I looove the weather! And we have our first 4 day vacation this coming weekend, so that will be a good break after a stressful 1st week of teaching!